The symptoms may vary from patient to patient and can be intense.
Morgellons syndrome is a poorly understood condition that is characterized by a person’s skin becoming irritated and inflamed from the outside, from the inside or both. People with this condition may experience symptoms such as itching, the crawling sensation of biting under the skin, lesions on or under the skin which can cause bleeding, pain, and changes in skin pigmentation. These symptoms may vary from patient to patient and can be intense. The causes of Morgellons disease are unknown, although some researchers believe that it may be caused by a small parasite called a mite which attaches itself to the skin and feeds off of the keratin, the tough protein that is found in the skin. Others believe that Morgellons disease has no known cause and that it is caused by a fungus, a bacterium, or a virus. Some of the symptoms of Morgellons disease may resemble those of other skin disorders.

There are no standardized diagnostic criteria for the disease yet.
Morgellons Disease is a condition that has only recently been identified. There are no standard diagnostic criteria yet, and the disease itself is poorly understood but there's one thing for sure, it can make you feel like you're going crazy. The CDC released an investigative study in 2008 examining the disease after they received over 1,000 inquiries about Morgellons in 2006 alone. What causes this mysterious ailment? Where does it come from?
Treatments for Morgellons disease include antibiotics and antiparasitic pills.
People with Morgellons disease are suffering from a type of delusions that are characterized by the feeling that insects are crawling on or under the skin. The most common delusion is that fibers are coming out of their skin or that something is moving underneath their skin. Unfortunately, there is no real treatment for Morgellons disease so sufferers must wait until the delusions pass. Morgellons disease is not contagious. For this reason, the CDC has classified it as a delusional parasitosis, not as a contagious disease.
Diagnosis: How is Morgellons disease diagnosed?
Morgellons syndrome is a poorly understood, chronic skin condition that produces small lesions, sores, or bumps on the skin. It can also cause an intense itching sensation in the area of the lesion. The symptoms are often misdiagnosed as Lyme disease, scabies, or psoriasis. At this point, there is no known cure for Morgellons disease and it may be difficult to diagnose. The best current treatment is to treat the individual symptoms, such as pain and itching. Treatment may include use of antihistamines, topical creams, and prescription medications.
CDC and FDA guidelines: How are Morgellons disease and other similar conditions treated by the CDC and FDA?
The CDC does not recognize Morgellons disease as an infectious disease. The CDC says that Morgellons disease is a delusional disorder and not a disease. The CDC says that it is a delusion of filaments coming out of the skin.
Causes: Unknown
There is no known cause or cure for Morgellons disease. It is a skin condition that causes sufferers to feel like bugs, parasites, and foreign objects are crawling underneath their skin. The disease was first recognized in March 2004. Since then, over 20,000 cases have been reported in the United States alone, and the disease has been confirmed in other countries in Europe, Australia, and Asia. More than half of sufferers are women and more than eighty percent of those who have Morgellons disease are under the age of 40.
Morgellons disease is a skin disease with not very many known causes. Some of the symptoms include skin lesions, severe itching, crawling sensations, and sometimes diarrhea. It is also linked to a feeling of “bugs” or “crawling all over your skin”, unidentified fibers in the skin or environment, and/or significant depression. Morgellons disease is a term that describes a skin condition with unusual symptoms. It has been described as an unverified condition in the medical field, but it is believed to be caused by a parasitic infection or an autoimmune disease. People may experience itching and stinging sensations on their skin and believe they have something crawling under the surface of their skin.
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